
The conference will take place at the Auditorium of the buiding Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble (IMAG)
700, avenue centrale
Domaine universitaire
38401 Saint Martin d'Hères
Access by car
- From Lyon or Valence, follow the direction Chambéry/ Rocade Sud. Take exit n°1 - Domaine Universitaire / Gières Mayencin.
- From Chambéry, follow the direction Gières Domaine Universitaire. Take exit n°1 - Domaine Universitaire / Gières Mayencin.
- From Grenoble centre town, take Avenue Gabriel Péri de St Martin d’Hères, then the entrance of the campus accross from Géant Casino.
Access by public transport
The site is easily accessible with two lines of the tramway : line B and line C. The tramway is adapted for use by people with reduced mobility. More informations on the public transportation network of Grenoble on the website of TAG or by phone,
- From SNCF train station, take the tramway Line B, Grenoble Presqu’île / Gières Plaine des Sports in direction of Gières Plaine des Sports. Tram stop: « Gabriel Fauré ».
- Line C, Seyssins le Prisme / Saint Martin d’Hères Condillac Universités. Tram stop: « Gabriel Fauré ».
The office du tourisme of Grenoble website gather several links for hotels and guestrooms near the location of the conference.